Working Bee Sunday 26th May 2024

The school grounds are looking great and the students are enjoying the gardens, tables and benches the P & C have installed. However, the school still needs some work to be looking its best and that’s where you can help.

Parents AND children are invited to help out with the working bee on Sunday 26th May 8:30am-12:30pm.

Most of the work will centre around clearing out some of the garden beds and spreading some new mulch.

What to bring.
Wheelbarrow / bucket
Hedge trimmer
Secateurs / pruning cutters
Garden / work gloves
Insect spray
Water bottle
Positive can-do attitude

Lunch will be provided for all the amazing helpers. Work up an appetite and reward yourself with a pie or sausage roll and a cold drink.

So, get the word out and let’s gather as many people as possible to help improve our school. Even if you can only spare 30 minutes, your school community will greatly appreciate it.