Cromer Campus Annual Golf Day

Thursday October 24, 2024

The P&C are excited to host the legendary golf day. In the past this has been the hottest ticket of the year, well attended by teachers and parents/carers and friends of the school.

It is a great afternoon – 9 holes Ambrose style and some dinner.  You can do either or both.

It also represents an opportunity for the P&C to raise much needed funds.

We will have some fun games and fundraising activities on the evening.

We welcome teachers, parents/carers and friends of the school, no kids unfortunately.

Welcome and sign in at 3.30pm for golf to start at 4pm and dinner for 6pm.

Raffles will be held during dinner.

$60 Golf

$70 Dinner

$90 Teacher’s Golf and Dinner

Consider becoming a P&C Sponsor!

You can form a team of 4 or be paired with other players. The Cromer Campus Annual Golf Day is the school’s major fundraising event with all monies raised going towards improving school facilities.

On behalf of the P&C, we ask all members of the local community to support the event in any way you can.

If you don’t wish to play and could help with volunteering on the day please email your details to

Go online and book your tickets NOW!


Continue reading “Cromer Campus Annual Golf Day”

Working Bee Sunday 26th May 2024

The school grounds are looking great and the students are enjoying the gardens, tables and benches the P & C have installed. However, the school still needs some work to be looking its best and that’s where you can help.

Parents AND children are invited to help out with the working bee on Sunday 26th May 8:30am-12:30pm.

Most of the work will centre around clearing out some of the garden beds and spreading some new mulch.

What to bring.
Wheelbarrow / bucket
Hedge trimmer
Secateurs / pruning cutters
Garden / work gloves
Insect spray
Water bottle
Positive can-do attitude

Lunch will be provided for all the amazing helpers. Work up an appetite and reward yourself with a pie or sausage roll and a cold drink.

So, get the word out and let’s gather as many people as possible to help improve our school. Even if you can only spare 30 minutes, your school community will greatly appreciate it.

CROMER CAMPUS P&C Democracy Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale

Cromer Campus P&C is running a democracy Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale on Saturday October 14th 2023 at Cromer Campus.

How can you help?

Bring on your inner Nigella Lawson and donate some baked goods. Cakes can be dropped off at the stall on Saturday morning.

Volunteer an hour or two and help man the Bake Stall and BBQ. Please register your interest at the following site.

Remember all profits goes directly to benefiting your child’s experience at Cromer Campus.

Man Anchor talk Wednesday 20 September

Is someone you love stressed or distressed? Terms three and four can be a stressful time of year for students and families. Listening and communicating without judgement is sometimes the hardest thing to do; and sometimes the only thing that can help those struggling with stress or mental health challenges. 

Next Wednesday (20 September) Steven Gamble of Man Anchor will be sharing an abridged version of the Communication with Care workshop. Learn to understand the triggers, signs, symptoms, and the more common barriers that friends, family and colleagues may be facing during a mental health crisis across a wide spectrum of disorders from panic attacks and depression to suicide.

Wednesday 20 September, NBSC Cromer Campus

Early Bird: $13 (tickets include a drink and snack)


All proceeds from this event will support the Man Anchor program currently running at the school.

Hope you can make it, P and C do not need to buy tickets.

Kind Regards

Jackie Reavie

President NBSC Cromer Campus P&C

Cromer Campus Election BBQ and Bake Stall

The 2022 Federal Election Democracy Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale was a huge success with the Cromer Campus P&C making a tidy profit which is being put towards providing additional outdoor seating and improve outdoor areas of the school for the benefit of students.

A huge thank you for all the magnificent cake donations and volunteers who manned the BBQ and Bake stall. The following pictures show only a small contingent of the generous cake donations and enthusiastic volunteers.

Dr Kristy Goodwin – Raising Screenagers

Cromer P&C is delighted to sponsor a presentation by Dr Kristy Goodwin: Raising Screenagers- Realistic strategies to navigate the online world with your adolescent.

When:  Wednesday 8 June 2022 7-9pm (6pm sausage sizzle)

Where:  Cromer Campus Hall

Cost:  $30 per ticket

Dr Kristy Goodwin is a Northern Beaches local and one of Australia’s leading digital wellbeing experts.  Raising Screenagers provides realistic strategies to assist parents/carers to navigate the online world with your adolescent.  The evening session for parents/carers will be followed up with an in school presentation to all students by Dr Kristy.

We will also be organising a BBQ and raffle on the night.  All funds raised by this event will be used towards the P&C’s 2022 fundraising goals to provide additional outdoor seating and improve outdoor areas of the school for the benefit of students.

Please follow the link below to purchase your tickets for this event:

Dr Kristy Goodwin on Raising Screenagers- Realistic strategies to navigate the online world with your adolescent, Cromer, 8th of June | Humanitix

P&C Annual General Meeting

The P&C Association Annual General Meeting is on Monday 2nd May 2022 in the school library starting at 7:30pm. The AGM is used to elect this year’s committee.

Membership forms to join the P&C will be made available at the meeting, and we require a $1.00 payment to become a registered member. This provides you with voting rights. You DO NOT need to become a member to join the P&C meetings. You are free to come along, listen, input and hang out with us.

However, if you would like to be more involved the following committee positions up for election are –

Vice President 1
Vice President 2
Canteen Representative
Project Manager
Grants Officer

We would love to have input from our Parent Community, so hoping you are free to join us.


While the COVID pandemic has curtailed this year’s P&C fundraising activities, it hasn’t stop them from providing new additional fantastic outdoor furniture that has been enthusiastically received by both students and staff.

Anyone who has recently driven past the school could not have failed to notice the beautiful new covered and non covered seating. Apart from its striking appearance, the additional seating is extremely practical and durable and will be enjoyed by the school community for years to come.. 

Continue reading “NEW OUTDOOR FURNITURE”

Quadfest 2021

QUADFEST – 20 May’21: What a fantastic festival of impressive art, performances and music. A massive thanks to all the amazing contributions to the QuadFest Bake Sale. The tables were overflowing with super delicious treats and sweets, so a huge thanks to all – and the testimony to the success was that not a single crumb was left over. It looked amazingly delicious. The sausage sizzle was a great success too – some 360 sausages and onions later… A special thanks to the parent volunteers who helped out on the day – so greatly appreciated!